A Call to Adventurous Faith


When God called missionaries Heidi and Rolland Baker to serve the poorest of the poor in Mozambique, they had no idea the challenges that they would face. They simply said “yes” to God and followed Him there.

Heidi started outreaches in Maputo and began to take in street children. Soon they had 160 of them. The children kept coming until they had 300 of them staying in their dorms.

Where He Leads, He Will Provide


The Bakers were hungry, tired, and overwhelmed. They didn’t know how they could continue on. Heidi shares in their book, “Always Enough,” a powerful story of God’s provision in the midst of their great need:

I thought I was going to snap…we weren’t prepared in any way to feed all those children. A precious woman from the U.S. embassy came over with food. “I brought you chili and rice for your family!” she said sweetly, with just enough for the four of us. We hadn’t eaten in days. I opened the door and showed her all our children. “I have a big family!” I pointed out tiredly but in complete and desperate earnest. My friend got serious, “There’s not enough! I need to go home and cook some more!” But I just asked her to pray over the food…..

We began serving, and right from the start I gave everyone a full bowl. I was dazed and overwhelmed. I barely understood at the time what a wonderful thing was happening. But all our children ate, the staff ate, my friend ate, and even our family of four ate. Everyone had enough.

Since then we have never said no to an orphaned, abandoned or dying child. Now we feed and take care of more than one thousand children. They eat and drink all they want of the Lord’s goodness. Because He died, there is always enough.”

Stepping Out in Faith


This is just one of the many miracles the Bakers have witnessed in their work among the children of Mozambique.

When we sense that God is calling us to take a risk for Him, to step out of the boat of our own comfort, security, and convenience for the sake of His Kingdom, we may hesitate and ask like Peter, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water“(Matthew 14:28).

It’s important to note that Jesus did not chastise him for asking first. As my pastor Stuart McAlpine has said, “Asking precedes acting.

Jesus loves it when we ask Him to confirm His direction to us before we act. Instead of presumptuously jumping out of the boat, Peter hesitates and asks Jesus to invite Him forward. And then Jesus responds with just one word – “Come.” (verse 29).

Do you sense Christ beckoning you to step out in faith and follow Him in a new direction this year? Perhaps He is calling you to take a great leap of faith and follow Him into uncharted territory.

One thing is certain, if He’s the one calling you, He will sustain you. You can be certain of that!

The wind and waves will look different for each of us, but they always have the same purpose: to take our eyes off Christ and onto our circumstances and challenges.

Even if we find ourselves sinking, we can have great hope. Like Peter (and Heidi Baker) we can cry out to God, “Lord, save me!” He will give us His hand and pull us up so that we can follow Him once more.

One commentary of this beautiful story in Scripture says, “Jesus invites adventurous faith.” What adventure is He inviting you on this year?

When it’s clear He’s calling, take the plunge. Because it’s always better to walk on water with Jesus than to stay in the boat without Him.

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Laura M. Thomas is writer and editor at This Eternal Moment. A homeschooling mom to three little girls, she loves writing, reading, the great outdoors, and afternoon nap times.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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