When I Think About Your Birth, I Remember That God Still Speaks


I’ll never forget the day that you were born. The evening before, I had just completed a long day of work at the Red Cross and was just getting on the metro to ride home at 8pm.

It was on that ride as I sat quietly, my hands resting gently on my pregnant belly, that I whispered a prayer up to God: “Lord, I know you don’t need to tell me this, but will Grace arrive early, late, or on time?” I didn’t really expect an answer at that point. I simply wanted to pass my burden on to the Lord of that big question in every pregnant woman’s heart: “WHEN? When will my baby arrive?

But God did answer. And the answer that I got was not to the question I had asked.

I heard God speak to my heart as clearly as if His voice had been audible in my ears: “She’s six pounds.” “Six pounds?!,” I thought. “But…I didn’t ask how much she weighed…”

I called your Daddy to let him know of this seemingly strange answer from the Lord to my question about your birth. Trudging up the hill to our home, I remained puzzled but felt more peace. “Six pounds,” I kept repeating to myself under my breath, a little mystified.

I opened the door and flung myself on the couch, exhausted. Your Daddy got next to my belly and began to talk excitedly to you: “Now, dear Grace,” he said, “When you come out, I want you to come out like this….” as he proceeded to describe in detail your process down the birth canal.

We laughed a bit and I went back to reading a book about pregnancy. And then it happened. My water broke – a huge gush all over the living room couch. In a moment of semi-panic, I ran to the bathroom, unwilling to accept the inevitable – you were on your way to meet us!

“It’s too soon!” I said to your Daddy, with tears in my eyes. “She’s over a month early! – What if something is wrong?” He took my face in his hands and looked into my eyes – and he said, “What did God say to you today when you were on the metro, Laura?

I trembled in that moment at the awareness and nearness of God’s presence. “He said, “She’s six pounds.”” “And what does ‘six pounds’ mean to you now?,” he said.

I sat, reflecting thoughtfully for a moment. “That she’s a healthy baby. That she’s going to be just fine.” He smiled back at me. “Yes, that’s right. So, let’s relax and let her come!”

Together, you and I, we did the labor dance and I submitted to the process: your arrival, God’s timing – was earlier than I had expected and yet I knew at that moment that you would be fine. I would be fine.

I relaxed and in a matter of 10 hours, you were born. Not at home, as I had planned, but at a hospital I had never seen before that day. But it was all right. You were here.

I held you in my arms for the first time – and for a moment, all in the world seemed right. For one moment, Heaven itself seemed to touch earth when I heard you let out your first cry.


And when they placed your long, lean body on the scale to weigh you, I didn’t even need to look – I knew the answer. But look, I did – and what I saw brought tears to my eyes:


Today you are six years old. You are not a baby anymore. But God still knows every ounce of your frame, every hair on your head, every detail of every moment of your life. Every sigh you breathe, every tear that falls, every peal of laughter that sounds forth from your lips. You, my dear daughter, were and are fearfully and wonderfully made. And that point was driven deep with the details of your birth:

For you formed my inward parts;you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made” – Psalm 139: 13-14

One thing I want you to remember today is that your God – the God who ordained the day of your birth and  hung the stars in the sky and answered Elijah by fire – your God, OUR God – Still Speaks.

Through the pages of His Holy Word, through the still small voice of His Holy Spirit, through those who carry Him in their hearts. Though you may not hear Him with your ears, He sings over you:  “The LORD your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing.” – Zephaniah 3:17.

And though you are young in your faith, I pray that you will remember the boy Samuel, who was awakened from slumber by the voice of the Almighty. That you would be one who listens when God speaks and says, like Samuel, “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.”

5 Ways to Teach Your Child the Bible


Almost six years ago, a sweet, six pound, premature baby girl made me a Mommy. My life had changed forever – in a beautiful way. I remember trembling in awe our first days together as I contemplated the responsibility of being a parent.

As my little one has grown and God has blessed us with two more daughters, I have pondered these verses in Deuteronomy 6: 6-9 often:

These words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

Teach them Diligently

As a Christian parent, God has commanded us to teach His Word diligently to our children. I love that this passage encompasses all aspects of daily life together: when we sit in our houses, when we are out and about, at bed time, and in the morning.

What I have taken away from this is that I can incorporate biblical teaching at any time.


Here are a few things I’ve done that have helped me to walk this out:

1) Start the day with a prayer – during breakfast or shortly after, I gather my kiddos together and we say a brief prayer to invite God into our day. It goes like this: “Dear Jesus, thank you for today. Help us to love you, to love others, to be kind, and to have fun.”

I am continually amazed at how pointing our gaze towards God at the onset of the day will set the tone for the whole day.

2) Practice Scripture Memorization together – I choose one short passage per week for us to memorize together. About a year ago, I began creating little tunes to go along with each passage, which made the memorization so much easier for all of us. When the girls can recite the passage and reference from memory, they get a piece of candy, which they love. You can sign up to receive these “Scripture Songs” here.

3) During Times of Instruction and Correction – Teaching God’s Word to our children in times of correction will help them to understand the foundation for our beliefs and values.

For instance, when talking to one of my children about a problem they have with complaining, I may refer to a verse we memorized together: “Do all things without grumbling or disputing,” discussing what God says in His Word about the importance of a thankful heart.

4) Out and About – As we walk with our children around this great big world they will see or hear things that they do not understand. When this happens, they look to my husband and me for direction.

Stewardship, Poverty, Crime, and every human issue can be discussed through the lens of God’s Word and provide a solid framework for them to process life.

5) When They Lie Down – Like many Christian parents, we read our children Bible stories at bedtime. They love hearing these stories of men and women in Scripture and how they handled adversity, prosperity, and every other problem known to man.

These are just a few ways that we train our children in God’s ways and His Word. I’m learning as I go and eager to learn from all of you. What have you found most helpful as you teach your children God’s Word?

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