In her book, “The Hiding Place,” Corrie Ten Boom chronicles her experience during World War 2 in a concentration camp with her sister, Betsie. In the midst of horrific conditions in their barracks, Corrie and Betsie led Bible studies to provide encouragement to the women around them. One particular barrack they were in was infested with fleas. They sought to give thanks in spite of their circumstances, thanking God for having a Bible and the ability to still be together. But when Betsie began to thank God for the fleas, Corrie simply couldn’t understand:
“The fleas! This was too much. ‘Betsie, there’s no way even God can make me grateful for a flea.’ “Give thanks in all circumstances,”‘she quoted. ‘It doesn’t say, “in pleasant circumstances.” Fleas are part of this place where God has put us.’ And so we stood between tiers of bunks and gave thanks for fleas. But this time I was sure Betsie was wrong.”
As it turned out, the fleas kept the prison guards out of their barracks, which protected the women from all kinds of abuses as well as allowing for Corrie and Betsie to freely share God’s Word with the women around them. Corrie was able to see the wisdom of God in allowing for this nuisance when she realized the fruits that were springing from it.
Men or Grasshoppers?
In another story long ago, God promised to give the nation of Israel the land of Canaan. God instructed Moses to send a group of men into the land to inspect it and bring back a report. Out of the twelve that were sent, all of the men saw and agreed upon the beauty and plenty of the land, “It does flow with milk and honey!” However, for ten of these men, that mattered little when they saw the size of its inhabitants. They said, “We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them“(Numbers 13:32-33).
Two men, Joshua and Caleb, had a different perspective of the land. They put the whole sum of it – the beautiful and the challenging, in God’s hands. The way they saw it, God had promised this land to their people, so why should they be afraid? “Their protection is gone, but the Lord is with us. Do not be afraid of them” (Numbers 14:9).
As Jennifer Kennedy Dean says in her book “Fueled by Faith“:
“The 10 said, ‘We are grasshoppers in the eyes of our enemies!’ Joshua and Caleb said, ‘Our enemies are grasshoppers in the eyes of the Lord!’ The 10 said, ‘They will devour us!’ Joshua and Caleb said, ‘We will swallow them up.’ The very same facts that caused fear in the 10, instead engaged faith in Caleb and Joshua. Caleb and Joshua saw an opportunity for God to act. They saw a platform for his power.”
What circumstances do you find yourself facing today that may elicit fear or defeat? Embrace these truths instead:
God is for you, so who can be against you? – Romans 8:31
God is working everything together for your good – Romans 8:28
God will never leave you or forsake you – Joshua 1:5
Since God has promised never to forsake you and to work everything (not just the things you understand) for your good and His glory, how might your perspective of your current circumstances change? Do you only see fleas where God sees His protection and the spreading of His Word? Do you only see giants where God sees a fruitful land that is yours for the taking, if only you will trust Him?
Ask God to give you eyes of faith today, a view into the unseen, and a heart to follow and trust Him at all times. Only blessings will follow.

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