What I’ve Learned From My Grandmother About Aging Well


She sat with her hands folded quietly in her lap, smiling and laughing at the children, interjecting in conversation with her quick wit and often humorous remarks. I took a long look at this beautiful woman who has lived almost triple my lifetime.

This is my 94 year old grandmother, Anna Mary. I have learned many, many things from her, but these are some of the things I have learned from her about aging well:

She Doesn’t Complain

Now, I am sure that there are moments for her. We all have moments. But I have never heard her complain, really. She is a very thankful woman, full of gratitude for her life and the many gifts that God has given to her. She experiences pain regularly now, but I don’t see it keeping her down.

She Rejoices in the Moment

My grandmother is aware of the brevity of life. She knows she isn’t promised tomorrow (none of us are). She flew from GA to Maryland to be here for my children’s birthday party. She soaked in every moment with every person she came in contact with – especially her great-grandchildren.

She Doesn’t Want a Re-do on Life

She is a content woman. She had “the best husband I could have ever asked for” and she has now “the most wonderful daughter and son-in-law” among all her other blessings. While she definitely has gone through many hardships and life hasn’t always dealt her an “easy hand,” she would never go back and ask for a re-do. She is satisfied with her life – a life well-lived.

She Delights in Her Legacy

My grandmother is not a poor woman, but she definitely doesn’t have millions to her name. What she has is a solid, unwavering faith in Jesus Christ, a loving daughter and son-in-law, friends and neighbors, two grandchildren, and – perhaps her biggest legacy of all – her six great-grandchildren. She loves telling me about little moments that she has with each one of them, ways they make her laugh or impress her with their sharp wit (I mean, who did they get it from, right?) She relishes in every kiss and every card they make her.

She Has Never Lost Her Sass

My grandma is one of the funniest people I’ve ever met. She is the only one who, in a room full of 10 adults who are all thinking the same thing, will actually say what is on her mind without holding back. She doesn’t just say anything, though.

She knows when to hold her tongue but she speaks the truth when no one else feels they can or when she has a strong opinion on a matter and because of her age and her confidence, people shut up and listen. And I love her for it.

She is a Prayerful Woman

Grandma prays for each of us every day. She looks to the Lord daily for strength, help, and wisdom. She truly loves God and seeks Him faithfully.

She is Ready for Heaven

A week ago, when she was here at my house, she said to me, “I keep asking the Lord why He doesn’t take me home yet. I don’t know. I haven’t figured it out. I’m ready to go!” I quipped back, “Well, Grandma, I know I’m glad that you’re here with us right now – to be with your great-grandchildren and make memories with them.”

She is not afraid of death and eternity. She knows to whom she belongs and where she is going when she dies. And she’s ready whenever He wants to take her.

Whether you are 16, 37, or 60, we each have been given a gift of life and a choice of how we will invest today – the only day we know we’ve been given. When you are 94, what do you want your legacy to be? What do you want others to see when they look back on your life?

One thing I know is that I’m taking some tips on that from my Grandmother.



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Laura M. Thomas is writer and editor at This Eternal Moment. A homeschooling mom to three little girls, she loves writing, reading, the great outdoors, and afternoon nap times.

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