Bearing Each Others Burdens

Last week I had the privilege of spending an hour getting a massage. It was kind of humorous to see the response on the masseuse’s face when, in response to her question, “What in your life might contribute to stress or tension in your body?” I answered simply that I have four kids six and under, one who is only two months old.

She smiled and said that she hoped I would enjoy her services. For the next hour, she worked with great care on my tired body, pushing out knots, working diligently on muscles, and alleviating tension and stress. It was amazing.

I left pondering the thought that I wish I could give every mother of small children a massage – you know, a time where you are shut into a room (where your kids can’t reach you) and someone is focusing purely on alleviating your tension and contributing to your relaxation.

A masseuse has a pretty cool job. Once I was chatting with a lady who was massaging me and she said, “I love my job. People are always so happy to come and when they leave they are always so grateful for my services. It’s quite fulfilling.

While we may not be able to treat everyone around us to a massage, there are other powerful ways to serve them, decrease their stress, and contribute to their spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being.

Upholding the Weary


Galatians 6:2 says, “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” “Bear” in the Greek language here means, “carry, uphold, and support.” “Burden” in this context means, “heaviness, weight, burden, trouble.”

How can you carry, uphold, and support those among you who are weighed down, burdened, and troubled?

A few ways that come to mind:

Prayer – spiritually speaking, prayer is a powerful way to carry the burdens of others. When we engage in the act of intercession (praying on behalf of another) we entreat God’s Holy Spirit to be actively engaged and involved in their lives or situation. Whether they are going through a trial, personal failure, or just a hard week, knowing that you have brothers and sisters in Christ who are holding you up in prayer makes a BIG difference in providing strength and encouragement to persevere.

Presence – In an independent and often overly “plugged in” culture, the gift of physical presence can be powerful ministry. Dropping by someone’s house to simply say hello, or inviting them out for a walk or a cup of coffee can go a long way in encouraging them and showing support.

Practical Help – taking a meal, babysitting, cleaning a house, mowing a lawn, getting groceries – all these are ways that we can provide a service that offers relief to those who are currently over-burdened.

What are some ways that you have benefitted from others coming alongside you and assisting you when you were in need of help? How do you think bearing the burdens of others allows us to fulfill the law of Christ – the law of love?

Who can you “massage” today with your words, presence, prayers, and acts of service?

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Laura M. Thomas is writer and editor at This Eternal Moment. A homeschooling mom to three little girls, she loves writing, reading, the great outdoors, and afternoon nap times.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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2 thoughts on “Bearing Each Others Burdens

  1. Wonderful post and so true! When we share in each others burdens and help one another, it can make it so much easier to deal with it, and help give one another strength. These are all great tips on how to help share in others burdens.