How to Find Time to Pray When Life is Crazy – 6 Simple Strategies


I will never forget the day when I heard Christian singer and songwriter Julie Meyer share from her heart about how her prayer life changed when she had  twins. “Some days,” she said, “the only prayer I uttered all day was ‘HELP ME GOD!'”

You may feel like Julie right now. Maybe you are a new mom with a demanding little one on your hands. Maybe you have just landed a new job that requires you to work longer hours than you were anticipating.

Regardless of what your responsibilities are in life, Jesus knows them all. In fact, He has called us to not only accept the responsibilities He has given to us, but to be faithful in them.

In other words, He does not expect us to quit our job or neglect our children in order to pray. Instead, He invites us to seek Him from right where we are! He wants to permeate every square inch of our sometimes crazy lives.

So how can we do this? If you are like me, often the task before you can be so engaging and consuming that you may find it difficult to pull back mentally and spiritually and enter into prayer.

BUT it is possible! Here are 6 Simple Strategies for Engaging God in Prayer even when you are facing a busy schedule:

1) Don’t Take An “All or Nothing” Approach to Quiet Times – I’ve heard many people say, “Well, I knew I couldn’t get in my hour long quiet time today so I just skipped it altogether.” What do you have? 20 minutes? 15? Set them apart for God and ask Him to meet you in those moments. He will!

2) Start Your Day with a Prayer to Be Prayerful – When you open your eyes in the morning, before you make a mental rush into your “to-do list,” take a few moments to invite Jesus into your day. Humbly ask Him to help you to engage Him in even the most mundane of activities.

3) Turn Worries into Prayers – When you find yourself worrying about your kids, your mortgage, your future, or your health, turn unhelpful worry into strengthening prayer. Philippians 4:6-7 is a great passage to reflect on for this.

4) Pray in the Fallow Moments – When you are on the metro. Walking to lunch. In between meetings. In, er, the bathroom. Pray!

5) Let People Inspire You to Pray – When you hold your children, say a prayer for them to know God’s love and learn to walk in His ways. As you kiss your spouse goodbye in the morning, ask God to bless their day.

6) End Your Day in Prayer – As you place your head on your pillow, thank God for all that He did that day. Thank Him for the blessings that He has so graciously given you. Commit all the work of your hands to Him.

These are just a few strategies I have found helpful as I seek to make prayer a priority in my life. What have you found helpful?

Three Great Reasons to Keep A Spiritual Journal


I have been keeping a diary since I could write in full sentences. Even though it was a Hello Kitty one with a lock, I was certain it was the perfect place to document all of my deepest thoughts and dreams.

As I got older and began to have regular times of personal prayer and Bible study, journaling became my preferred outlet for writing down prayers, lessons I was learning, Scriptures that had ministered to me, and important events in my life. Over the years, I have accumulated several boxes of journals which I have dutifully lugged from house to house each time I’ve moved.

My husband, on the other hand, is more of an in-frequent journaler, but still makes it a habit to write down all the wonderful things God has done in his life in a yearly summary on his birthday. Whether you love or hate to write, there are some great reasons to take time periodically to reflect upon and document the works of God in your life.

1) We are Prone to Forget – I often have a hard time remembering what happened yesterday, much less last year. And it seems that this is a common human dilemma. Psalm 106 speaks of God’s deliverance of the Israelites from Egypt and their prompt forgetfulness:

He rebuked the Red Sea, and it became dry, and he led them through the deep as through a desert….But they soon forgot his works; they did not wait for His counsel.” – Psalm 106:9, 13

It’s proven that when we write things down, we are more likely to remember them. We make a choice to remember lest we forget. It’s really that simple.

2) To Increase our Faith in God – In Psalm 77, the psalmist writes with despair about his current circumstances, wondering if “God has forgotten to be gracious?” or if “His steadfast love has forever ceased?”

He turns from despair to hope through remembering, “Then I said, I will appeal to this, to the years of the right hand of the Most High. I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your wonders of old.” – Psalm 77:10-11

When we write down and remember how God has delivered and helped us in this past, we have faith that He will help us through our current difficulties as well.

3) For Generations to Come – Some day when I am gone (or maybe before, if they find them!) my girls will likely sit down on a rainy day with a pot of coffee and read over my journals. They may laugh or cry or both – and they will remember me. They will even be able to know me as a young girl – my thoughts, struggles, and prayers to God at 13, 16, or 19 years of age.

When we document what God has done in our life and share it with our children as well, we pass on a legacy of faith – a testimonial that remains alive through the decades of the active work of God in our lives.

So, how about investing in a journal, picking up a pen, and let your thoughts flow? Who knows whether 30, 60, or even 100 years from now, your grandchild will pick it up, read it, and say, “What God did for Grandma, He can do for me, too.”



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