Surprised By Life: A Letter to the Child in My Womb


Beautiful Child of God,

Sometime in early December, I received a knock on the door of my womb, my heart, and my home. It was God and He was bringing you to me.

I said, “Sure, come on in!” but I must admit that I was surprised when I saw you there, eager to enter. This was a case of unplanned hospitality and God was clearly asking me, “There is room here for one more – right, Laura?

Surprised By Life

I am nowhere near the “perfect mom” – and I’ve been a mom long enough to know for sure that no woman is. As you came in I must admit I stood staring at you and God for a moment, wrestling with my own fears, insecurities, and doubts as a mother.

Lord, are you sure you want me? Sometimes I get really impatient.

Are you sure that I’m the right one? I fear that I am tired and often worn out – can I give this little one all that they need?

But even as I asked these questions, the door of my heart opened as God answered faithfully:

Will you ever be perfectly patient, loving, or selfless in this lifetime?

Will I ever call you to a task that I will not equip you for?

Has my grace always been sufficient to meet your challenges and weaknesses?

And I knew, staring at you – that my answer was a resounding yes. How can I mother four children? How can I even mother one?

By God’s grace alone. And He will certainly equip me, because God loves life.

Destiny in Embryo

He loves children especially. He loves messy, crazy, often unpredictable and never boring life.

You will most certainly bring your share of messes, my dear. Food on the floor, lots of diapers, sleepless nights, and crayon on walls.

But that is all dust in the wind. What you will really bring is the gift of yourself – someone hand-crafted in the image of God, called from the womb to fulfill a specific plan and purpose that God planned long ago.

Your sisters will be different because of you.
Your father and I will be different because of you.
This World will be different because of you.

You have already enlarged our hearts and caused us to expand our tent pegs in expectancy to embrace you. What you have to bring to our table, to our family, to your generation is yet to be seen.

As you rest in quiet, warm darkness, miraculously growing each day, I promise you this:

That I will be waiting expectantly to receive you in warm, wet embrace.

That I will hold you when you cry and be a safe place for you.

That I will pull you up when you fall and nudge you forward when you cannot find your way.

That I will tell you the truth and love you jealously.

That I will teach you God’s Word and train you in His ways.

That I will lend you to The Lord as long as I live.

And when you arrive one warm July day pre-determined by Heaven, I want you to know this:

That while I am trembling at the weighty gift and responsibility of raising you, I tremble more with love and the thrill of joy to meet you and greet you, my child.

You are welcome here.

Your Mommy

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Laura M. Thomas is writer and editor at This Eternal Moment. A homeschooling mom to three little girls, she loves writing, reading, the great outdoors, and afternoon nap times.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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2 thoughts on “Surprised By Life: A Letter to the Child in My Womb

  1. Congratulations Laura! This is beautiful and makes me even more excited to see the next Thomas child enter the world and be raised by two amazing (and super close to perfect) parents!