We all have those moments when we feel fully alive. A few days ago, I took my kids to our neighborhood park to play. It was a cold, sunny day and the chilly air invigorated us all and made me want to chase my kids around the park and slide down the slides with them.
As I pushed my three year old on the swing, I watched her face light up with laughter and her blonde curls dance in the sunlight. I caught my breath as I watched her face move forward and backward, high in the air as she shouted, “push me higher, Mommy!”
I stared deep into her eyes and saw joy there. And, to be honest, I just let my gaze hang out there for awhile…on her….nothing and no one else.
Maximizing Joy to the Glory of God
I believe that God delights in our delight of Him and His creation. He wants us to be joyful. He loves it when we glory in the moment that He has placed before us right now. Like a picture, frozen in time, He doesn’t want us to miss what’s He’s giving us as a gift today.
While I know that as far as the big picture goes, I feel great about where I am and what I am doing, I am praying this year to make my little choices count. Because I’m realizing more and more that over time little things often become big things.
Here are some of the little choices I want to make this year:
I want to sit and quietly nurse my baby without making a grocery list in my head at the same time. I want to feel the soft warmth of his cheek against my hand and revel in it.
Because it will not last.
When my eldest daughter says, “hey Mom, listen to me play my violin!” I want to stop washing the dishes or folding laundry and sit down on the couch and give her proper attention. I want to give myself permission to enjoy her and appreciate her efforts.
Because this learning phase won’t last forever.
I want to actually lay down in my three year old’s bed and read her books as long as she wants to and have absolutely no agenda about when I’ll leave.
Because before I know it, her afternoon nap will be a thing of the past.
I want to stop myself before I lose my temper over a math lesson.
Because what matters most is my relationship with my daughter, not just checking a task off a list.
I want to encourage my husband more and complain to him less.
Because he’s an amazing person worthy of love and respect.
I want to turn off my phone when I am with others.
Because I can answer texts and emails later and people are most important.
We glorify God when we are fully present in the moment that He has given to us and receive it as the gift that it is.
This year, we will each have our share of painful moments, challenging moments, stressful moments, beautiful moments, exciting moments, alarming moments, moments of every emotion and every kind.
Let’s let our moments change us and mold us into the image of Christ this year, remembering that all our choices today do matter and are laying a clear path for our future.

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