When you meet someone in Washington D.C. for the first time, it’s common for them to ask the question, “What do you do?” Folks in our area joke that life here can be like one big networking event, where folks are always trying to assess whether you have any strengths to bring to their table. Regardless of why this question is asked, I have learned to love answering it simply because I love what I do.
I have chosen to focus my time and energy at home with my children. On occasions that I am asked to elaborate on what that looks like, folks often respond, “How do you do all of that?!”
This may be because in addition to being a stay at home mom who home schools my eldest two daughters, cooks the meals, and keeps the house running, I also teach weekly childbirth classes, write on a regular basis, host guests regularly through AirBnB, and serve in a variety of ways in my community and church.
Most of the time, this does not overwhelm me. This is DEFINITELY NOT because I am a “supermom.” As I pondered how I have chosen to invest my time in this season, I wanted to share some wisdom I have gained along the way regarding time management:
1) Pray About Your Priorities – God has clearly called me to focus on my home in this season and to teach my children here. So that has been my first priority. As I consider any other opportunity that may come my way or may interest me, I bring it before The Lord (and my husband for his wisdom and counsel) before saying “yes” or making a longer-term commitment.
2) Live a Centralized and Integrated Life – Some people say “homeschooling must be so hard…I can’t imagine all the work and stress of being responsible for teaching your kids on your own.” Again, let me be really honest with you. There are definitely days and moments when teaching my children isn’t easy, but I have found that (for our family) the benefits and blessings far outweigh the challenges.
And when it comes to time being freed up, homeschooling actually allows my family to have flexibility in our schedule. We get our school work done in the morning (in addition to weekly chores, cleaning, and dinner prep-work, which we accomplish as a team) and have the afternoon to go on outings with friends, spend lots of time outside, and also have plenty of quiet time.
I write and have personal devotional time every day during our family “quiet time” and I teach childbirth classes out of our home one evening per week. Because most of what I do is centered around this one place, it makes it all manageable and organic.
Choosing a central location around which to prioritize the majority of your commitments can be incredibly useful in accomplishing your goals and making the most of your time.
For instance, it will likely be stressful if all your commitments are geographically far apart.
Living a centralized life will allow for more margin as your activities and commitments integrate themselves more naturally.
3) Learn to Say “No” More Often. While we all have to step up and help out in areas that may not be our favorite (i.e. mow the lawn, scrub the toilet) the majority of our time should be invested in people and activities that we love and enjoy and are, therefore, life-giving. It feels good to use the gifts and talents God has given you and be energized about how you have chosen to invest your time.
4) Create Healthy Boundaries – Learning to say “No,” to what will draw you away from where you are called to serve will create healthy boundaries and also help others to see that you have clarity and resolve behind your commitments.
5) Make Time for Your Health – Exercise. Eat Right. Make room for solitude and reflection. Prioritize family and life-giving relationships. These are non-negotiable if you are going to live a healthy and fulfilling life.
In summary, which of these areas can you focus on to bring more health to your life and schedule? Prayerful decision making? Centralizing your commitments? Learning to say “No”?, Creating Healthy Boundaries? Making Time for Your Health?
What else would you add to this list? What has helped you to find balance and focus? I would love to hear from you!