A Call to Adventurous Faith


When God called missionaries Heidi and Rolland Baker to serve the poorest of the poor in Mozambique, they had no idea the challenges that they would face. They simply said “yes” to God and followed Him there.

Heidi started outreaches in Maputo and began to take in street children. Soon they had 160 of them. The children kept coming until they had 300 of them staying in their dorms.

Where He Leads, He Will Provide


The Bakers were hungry, tired, and overwhelmed. They didn’t know how they could continue on. Heidi shares in their book, “Always Enough,” a powerful story of God’s provision in the midst of their great need:

I thought I was going to snap…we weren’t prepared in any way to feed all those children. A precious woman from the U.S. embassy came over with food. “I brought you chili and rice for your family!” she said sweetly, with just enough for the four of us. We hadn’t eaten in days. I opened the door and showed her all our children. “I have a big family!” I pointed out tiredly but in complete and desperate earnest. My friend got serious, “There’s not enough! I need to go home and cook some more!” But I just asked her to pray over the food…..

We began serving, and right from the start I gave everyone a full bowl. I was dazed and overwhelmed. I barely understood at the time what a wonderful thing was happening. But all our children ate, the staff ate, my friend ate, and even our family of four ate. Everyone had enough.

Since then we have never said no to an orphaned, abandoned or dying child. Now we feed and take care of more than one thousand children. They eat and drink all they want of the Lord’s goodness. Because He died, there is always enough.”

Stepping Out in Faith


This is just one of the many miracles the Bakers have witnessed in their work among the children of Mozambique.

When we sense that God is calling us to take a risk for Him, to step out of the boat of our own comfort, security, and convenience for the sake of His Kingdom, we may hesitate and ask like Peter, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water“(Matthew 14:28).

It’s important to note that Jesus did not chastise him for asking first. As my pastor Stuart McAlpine has said, “Asking precedes acting.

Jesus loves it when we ask Him to confirm His direction to us before we act. Instead of presumptuously jumping out of the boat, Peter hesitates and asks Jesus to invite Him forward. And then Jesus responds with just one word – “Come.” (verse 29).

Do you sense Christ beckoning you to step out in faith and follow Him in a new direction this year? Perhaps He is calling you to take a great leap of faith and follow Him into uncharted territory.

One thing is certain, if He’s the one calling you, He will sustain you. You can be certain of that!

The wind and waves will look different for each of us, but they always have the same purpose: to take our eyes off Christ and onto our circumstances and challenges.

Even if we find ourselves sinking, we can have great hope. Like Peter (and Heidi Baker) we can cry out to God, “Lord, save me!” He will give us His hand and pull us up so that we can follow Him once more.

One commentary of this beautiful story in Scripture says, “Jesus invites adventurous faith.” What adventure is He inviting you on this year?

When it’s clear He’s calling, take the plunge. Because it’s always better to walk on water with Jesus than to stay in the boat without Him.

The Power of Self-Control


“‘Marshmallow man” Walter Mischel is an Ivy League professor known for his experiments in self-control. Nearly 50 years ago, he created a test to see how various five-year-olds would respond to being left alone with a marshmallow for 15 minutes with instructions not to eat it — and with the promises that if they didn’t, they would be given two. The New York Times reports,

Famously, preschoolers who waited longest for the marshmallow went on to have higher SAT scores than the ones who couldn’t wait. In later years they were thinner, earned more advanced degrees, used less cocaine, and coped better with stress. As these first marshmallow kids now enter their 50s, Mr. Mischel and colleagues are investigating whether the good delayers are richer, too.

Now Mischel is an octogenarian and freshly wants to make sure that the nervous parents of self-indulgent children don’t miss his key finding: “Whether you eat the marshmallow at age 5 isn’t your destiny. Self-control can be taught.“‘(John Piper, Self-Control and The Power of Christ, 2014).

Self Control in a Culture of Self-Gratification

Whether you would eat the marshmallow or not, one thing is for sure – we live in a culture that not only tells you you should eat the marshmallow, but that you deserve it.

What this “if it feels good, do it” mantra boils down to is nothing less than a hedonistic and self-centered worldview, which, when following its prescription, only leads to dissatisfaction and misery.

But what exactly is self-control and how do we walk in it? In his fabulous article on self-control, Edward Welch says, “The basic idea is that we must cultivate the skill of living a thoughtful, careful life in which we do what is right despite our desires.

Welch goes on to give 4 ways that self-control fleshes out in our everyday lives:

1) Self Control Means Living Within Boundaries:
Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self- control.” (Prov. 25:28). This may mean avoiding certain places that we previously frequented and/or confessing our sins or temptations to trusted friends or family in order to bring those areas into the light and provide the protection of accountability and prayer support.

These boundaries will look different for each of us, but what matters most is what we allow into our hearts: “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the well- spring of life” (Prov. 4:23).

2) Self-Control Means Thinking Before Acting
I know I’m not the only person who has ever said something I seriously regretted later. Welch says one definition of self-control is simply this: “THINK!”

Proverbs often describes the wise as those who think, ponder, and prayerfully consider their words and actions before taking a step or speaking a word.

3) Self-Control is NOT Emotional Flatness or Indifference: In this point, Welch basically argues that we will only overcome our strong fleshly passions with an even greater passion for God and His ways.

Are we passionate to glorify Christ or ourselves? To love what He loves and hate what he hates?

4) Self-Control is NOT Self-Dependence: Self-Control is not merely working up the willpower in ourselves to do or not do something. For then, we would get the glory.

Self-Control is a fruit of God’s Holy Spirit rather than a work of our flesh. Romans 8:13 says, “For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live.

So then, our growth in self-control will come not from following a bunch of rules or laws, but by walking in an on-going relationship with God’s Spirit.

What are some ways that God may be calling you to grow in self-control? Perhaps take time this week to pray about this and remember: leave the marshmallow alone! What you get back from God will be much sweeter 🙂

Surprised By Life: A Letter to the Child in My Womb


Beautiful Child of God,

Sometime in early December, I received a knock on the door of my womb, my heart, and my home. It was God and He was bringing you to me.

I said, “Sure, come on in!” but I must admit that I was surprised when I saw you there, eager to enter. This was a case of unplanned hospitality and God was clearly asking me, “There is room here for one more – right, Laura?

Surprised By Life

I am nowhere near the “perfect mom” – and I’ve been a mom long enough to know for sure that no woman is. As you came in I must admit I stood staring at you and God for a moment, wrestling with my own fears, insecurities, and doubts as a mother.

Lord, are you sure you want me? Sometimes I get really impatient.

Are you sure that I’m the right one? I fear that I am tired and often worn out – can I give this little one all that they need?

But even as I asked these questions, the door of my heart opened as God answered faithfully:

Will you ever be perfectly patient, loving, or selfless in this lifetime?

Will I ever call you to a task that I will not equip you for?

Has my grace always been sufficient to meet your challenges and weaknesses?

And I knew, staring at you – that my answer was a resounding yes. How can I mother four children? How can I even mother one?

By God’s grace alone. And He will certainly equip me, because God loves life.

Destiny in Embryo

He loves children especially. He loves messy, crazy, often unpredictable and never boring life.

You will most certainly bring your share of messes, my dear. Food on the floor, lots of diapers, sleepless nights, and crayon on walls.

But that is all dust in the wind. What you will really bring is the gift of yourself – someone hand-crafted in the image of God, called from the womb to fulfill a specific plan and purpose that God planned long ago.

Your sisters will be different because of you.
Your father and I will be different because of you.
This World will be different because of you.

You have already enlarged our hearts and caused us to expand our tent pegs in expectancy to embrace you. What you have to bring to our table, to our family, to your generation is yet to be seen.

As you rest in quiet, warm darkness, miraculously growing each day, I promise you this:

That I will be waiting expectantly to receive you in warm, wet embrace.

That I will hold you when you cry and be a safe place for you.

That I will pull you up when you fall and nudge you forward when you cannot find your way.

That I will tell you the truth and love you jealously.

That I will teach you God’s Word and train you in His ways.

That I will lend you to The Lord as long as I live.

And when you arrive one warm July day pre-determined by Heaven, I want you to know this:

That while I am trembling at the weighty gift and responsibility of raising you, I tremble more with love and the thrill of joy to meet you and greet you, my child.

You are welcome here.

Your Mommy

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