“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.” – Matthew 13:44
This week we have a guest staying in our basement apartment. She has an 8 month old boy, so the girls and I went on a walk to show them where our nearby park is located.
Somewhere along the way, while I was immersed in conversation with my new friend, Abigail chucked her little orange croc shoe out of the stroller. Of course, I didn’t notice this until we were at the park and she looked up, grinning at me with one bare foot.
We searched for it on our trip home but to no avail. I chalked it up as an inevitable loss of toddlerhood and moved on. Grace, however, did not give up so easily.
She was adamant that we find Abbey’s shoe. So out we went again, Grace on her bike speeding ahead of us craning her neck this way and that, searching in every bush and behind every tree. “Mom, I see it!,” she said. Her speed picked up and I saw what she saw – a little blob of orange in the middle of the sidewalk further away.
“MOM! HER SHOE!!!” – you would have thought Grace had found a million dollars she was so excited. She snatched it up (not giving it back to Abbey yet because, “She’ll just lose it again.” Point taken.)
The best part was what Grace did upon returning home. She said, “I need to make a sign. It will say that Abigail lost her shoe, no one could find it, but GRACE found it!”
So…she did! Here’s the sign:
She taped it to a stick and actually stuck it in our front yard for a day or so, advertising to any passer-by her victory. I smiled at the pride of her finding.
It’s pretty fun when we find something we have lost or need desperately.
It’s also pretty cool when we find things we forgot we had – and recognize how valuable they are to us. I was recently going through some old photos and found a handwritten poem from my Grandfather who passed away a few years ago. My hands trembled as I read his words, written for our wedding rehearsal dinner nearly 12 years ago:
“I hope you have lots of children – all girls, as sweet as you.”
Tears filled my eyes as I realized his wish for me, a prayer offered up with prophetic weightiness that a Grandfather can carry, had come true.
As precious as these physical treasures are, none compares to those that are invisible yet of inestimable value. The love of God poured out on us through His Son. The love of others.
The treasures of God’s eternal kingdom aren’t redeemed by jewels or the green paper we exchange for stuff every day. While unseen, the treasures of knowing God and being a part of His kingdom are greater than any riches on this earth.
Will you search for this kingdom? If you have found this kingdom, are you willing to give up everything else in order to have it?
You are Christ’s treasure, the pearl He came to find. Let’s love Him because He first loved us, giving us access to a kingdom that can never be shaken.