“For the eyes of The Lord are on the righteous, and his ears are open to their prayer“
– 1 Peter 3:12
There is not a place in the universe that God does not see. His eyes see all, His ears hear all, He is all-knowing, all-seeing, all-hearing….He is omni-present and fully aware of and engaged in every aspect of His creation.
In 2005, I rode in a small five passenger plane from Entebbe, Uganda and landed on a small, dirt landing strip in Yei, Sudan. Two people from the orphanage and school we were working with picked us up and we traveled on dirt roads through rural village areas.
Even though I knew (by faith, really) that I was in Yei, I was hidden from the eyes of all who knew me (other than Joel and my friend who worked there at the time, Kelly). If you have ever been in a place that feels like “the middle of nowhere,” you will know what I am speaking about.
The fertile, rich soil in Sudan was deep brown; the leaves on the trees bright green; the sky a stunning blue. I couldn’t help but think that even though so few travel to this spot and have the privilege to see these trees, this land, and these beautiful people, God is there. God sees it all, maintains it all, cares deeply for all who dwell in these tiny, rural villages.
Job 28:24 says, “for He looks to the ends of the earth and sees everything under the heavens.”
Then I think about one of the busiest places in the world I recently visited – New York City. Walking through Times Square at Christmas time was quite the experience – one which I don’t recommend for anyone who has issues with claustrophobia.
As I walked through that square, under the bright lights and amid beeping taxis, I squeezed past what seemed like thousands of people. Though I brushed shoulders with them and even looked some of them in the eye, I did not know them, but God does.
God knows every detail about every person that walks through Times Square each day. And He cares intensely about each one. And this is just one more thing that causes me to stand in awe of Him.
Whether you live in the busiest metropolis or the most obscure, rural village – God sees you. You are not hidden from Him. And He cares deeply about you.
Sometimes we all may feel a little overlooked (or a lot overlooked) by people – perhaps even invisible. But God does not overlook us. In fact, He does the opposite. He beckons us to come closer – to behold Him who is beholding us.
“You have said, “Seek my face.” My heart says to you, “Your face, Lord, do I seek ” – Psalm 27:8
King David had this revelation and fascination with God – He wanted to know the One who created, cared for, and called him – He wanted to know His Lord more than anything in the world.
He poured out this desire beautifully to The Lord in a prayer: “One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in his temple” (Psalm 27:4).
What does this mean – to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord? I read a few sermons, articles, and commentaries on this and a few ideas stuck out to me most.
To look on Him with eyes of faith during worship and to seek His face through His Word is to behold Him. When we admire the attributes of God – his mercy, loving-kindness, patience, grace – we behold His beauty.
We also gaze upon His beauty when we enjoy His creation and acknowledge Him as the amazing designer of it all.
The hundreds of types of trees, no snowflake alike, brightly colored tropical fish, a lion’s roar, the dots on a ladybugs back – they are all amazing and worth reveling in.
As are the little dimples – two in one, actually- that God placed in my daughters left cheek – just like a little “finishing touch” of cuteness 🙂
We each have a choice of what we will look at all day long – what we choose to behold with our eyes and dwell upon with our minds.
Remember that the God who sees the whole world also sees you and invites you to come near to Him. As it says in James 4:8, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.”
So come behold His beauty today. You won’t be disappointed.
photo of Yei Sudan by USAID