“If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in Heaven give good things to those who ask him!” – Matthew 7:11
Two nights ago as I led my eldest girls through their bedtime ritual of reading the Bible and saying their prayers, my three year old daughter, Chesed, began to pray, “Jesus, thank you for dying on the cross for our sins and thank you that there will be a bouncy house in Heaven.”
She did not laugh. She was very serious before God and also very sure of the fact that there were, in fact, bouncy houses in Heaven. I did not correct her, for who am I to say what Heaven contains?!
I gave her a big hug and went downstairs, smiling at her simple faith and trust in God. I told my husband, Joel, and we both laughed about it.
The following day we were invited to a fun event in D.C. for kids to help them ring in the New Year at noon instead of midnight. We decided to go and didn’t know what would be at the event, only that it would be “fun for kids.” As we walked up to the park where the party was happening, I couldn’t help but smile as I gazed upon three large bouncy houses with large lines of kids in front of each.
Chesed was giddy with delight. “Bouncy houses! Mommy, can we go?!” “Of course!” I said. “Chesed, did you know that God answered your prayer?” She smiled widely and began to do a little dance (I know it was just for God Himself) as if to say, “thank you, thank you!”
In the sincerity of her little three year old heart, Chesed prayed for a bouncy house in Heaven. Because she believes God loves her and wants to give her good things. Instead of a chastisement, “Heaven is too holy for bouncy houses,” or “what a frivolous thing to pray,” God not only heard her request but decided to bring ‘heaven’ to her the very next day.
There is nothing to insignificant or small to bring to God in prayer. What God cares about is that we bring all that is in our hearts to Him and trust Him for His reply.
I wrote in my journal yesterday, “Lord, increase my faith to believe you for little things, big things, all things alike – you care about them all! You are the God who hears the prayers of persecuted saints in prison cells and the God who does not lift up your nose to a three year old’s prayer for a bouncy house.”
God desires to hear all our hearts – that is what an intimate relationship is all about – He doesn’t only turn His ear to us when we are sick, hurting, or desperate. He bends near to hear our hopes, little fears, silent cares, or even what we might deem “silly desires.”
I don’t believe in the prosperity gospel. I don’t believe that if my kid asks God for a pony, one will come galloping into our yard. But He does love us with Fatherly love. He does delight in blessing us, for our good and his glory – and, as in Chesed’s place, just for the sheer joy that comes to His heart when He sees a little girl do a dance of thanks.
Yes, God sometimes says no. But to approach Him less because we suppose that is His default is wrong. Scripture says He loves to give good gifts to His children.
God instructs us to ask. And He says we have not because we ask not. His answer is not up to us, but the asking is….
What have you not talked to God about because you thought it was too silly, too small, or not important enough to bring to Him? Go ahead – talk to Him. And only God knows, but you may find yourself doing a dance of thanks yourself as a result.