Abigail Charis Thomas ~ A Birth Story

Dearest Abigail,

You were born the day after the Feast of Tabernacles was completed, which is a Jewish holiday called Shemini Atzeret.

The reason for this holiday is as follows: Shemini Atzeret literally means “the assembly of the eighth (day).” Rabbinic literature explains the holiday this way: our Creator is like a host, who invites us as visitors for a limited time, but when the time comes for us to leave, He has enjoyed himself so much that He asks us to stay another day. Another related explanation: Sukkot is a holiday intended for all of mankind, but when Sukkot is over, the Creator invites the Jewish people to stay for an extra day, for a more intimate celebration. 

Indeed. A more intimate celebration. An extra day of celebration after an entire week of feasting. Many people say that the Feast of Tabernacles is a shadow of things to come, a picture of the Great Harvest at the end of times and of the return of Messiah Himself.

Your father and I treasure these “holy days” and enjoy soaking in their eternal significance. We also love the knowledge that comes with our Christian faith that in having children, we are co-creating with God Himself. Perhaps that is why God, in His infinite wisdom, chose you to be born when you were. Because we have enjoyed ourselves so much being parents to your two sisters that we couldn’t wait to have an additional little girl – You. That as the Jewish people celebrate their extra day of intimate celebration with God, we received you into our lives – you who are an intimate expression of God’s love and tender mercies towards us.

You were born one week before your due date, just like your sister Chesed. Although, you decided you wanted to gestationally beat her by 7 hours and 3 ounces 🙂

The day you were born, I wrote you a letter in my journal. It is the first time I have written you a letter. Perhaps I knew you were coming that day. Something about a mother’s intuition. It was something like this:

Dear Abigail, I am staring at your bassinet with your beautiful pink blanket inside that bears your name. It seems eager to hold you and I admit that I am eager to hold you not in my womb but now in my arms. I know that I cannot decide when you will be born, but want you to know I can’t wait to meet you and hold you. Your Daddy and sisters feel the same way. So come join us anytime, okay? I love you!! your Mommy.

Simple little note. But just like your sisters, who seemed to respond to our words of desire to have them come out and meet us, so you complied with my request and I started labor only an hour after the note was written. You were ready to join our family as well, weren’t you?

At 3pm, my contractions began and were every 3-5 minutes. They weren’t extremely painful and I wasn’t sure if this was “it.” However, I knew how fast Kes came into the world and so I called my midwives and birth assistant immediately. They headed to the house, only to watch me like a boiling pot. I was instructed to do a brisk walk in the neighborhood to see if my contractions would speed up. This is fine and all had I not already run 3 miles that day and had it not been raining and 40 degrees outside. Daddy and sisters insisted on going with me and crying the whole way (as it was raining).

I didn’t do well under that pressure and labor fizzled out within an hour or two (or so it seemed). I asked them to go home and Jennifer, the midwife who caught you, assured me that labor would likely start when I put your sisters to bed. “You’re able to relax then,” she assured me. “Yes,” I thought, “So then I have to start contracting?!” Very ironic. But, just like she said, at 8pm sharp, the real contractions started and didn’t stop until you were born at 3:10am the following morning.


From 8pm until 1am I labored and grew more and more tired. After all, I am used to going to bed around 10pm these days. I lay in bed for the first few hours, but when contractions spaced out, my midwives sent me to walk downstairs for awhile. i did this for an hour and while my contractions became closer together and stronger, I became more and more tired.

I went upstairs to rest some and realized that I had already been laboring for 5 hours and was ready to be done, simply because of the time of night. So I said a prayer. I have been praying lately for very specific things and right then I needed one. In the quiet of my bedrooom alone with God, I prayed “Lord, please do something RIGHT NOW to speed this labor up – so that Abigail can be born VERY SOON. I don’t have much energy left.” And then the miraculous happened (or at least that is what it was for me!) Suddenly, literally as the words of my prayer left my mouth, I heard a loud “pop” and my water broke. It was as though God Himself popped my bag of waters and said “here you go! one baby – coming right up!”

Immediately my labor picked up speed and shortly I was in transition. A little before 3am I started pushing but it was much more painful than with your sisters. i wondered what was going on exactly. Turns out, you were a compound presentation, which means that you had your cute little hand right next to your head while you were coming out. My midwife, Jennifer, was an incredible help in guiding my pushing to gently ease you out. She kept me from tearing (which is a miracle in this situation) by giving your shoulders a “nice big hug” as they were coming out.

I heard you cry. I knew that I was finished and that you were here. What a moment, Abigail. Is there really anything like it? I think the angels in heaven are silent and stop for a moment to watch when a baby is born…it is a pure miracle. You are a pure miracle.

And so I held you tight – your wet, slippery, squirmy little (yet long!) body, counted your fingers and toes, and cried – partly because of sheer relief to be done with labor and mainly because I was now holding you in my arms.

And we named you. We pray with each of our children that God will give us a name for each of you that will speak to your destiny in Him. And you are Abigail Charis Thomas.

Abigail – the meaning is “Father’s joy” – you are our third daughter, and yet your Daddy made it abundantly clear that he would rather have you than 10 boys and wanted your name to reflect his delight. But you are also our Heavenly Father’s joy. God delights over you and smiles to watch you live your life, my dear, each and every day.

Abigail in the Bible was described as “…discerning and beautiful” and by herself as “…a servant to wash the feet of the servants of The Lord.” (see 1 Samuel 25:3 and 41). I believe these words will describe you as well, my little girl.

Charis is a beautiful Greek word that means “grace and favor.”  Charis causes rejoicing. It is the word for God’s grace as extended to sinful man. It signifies unmerited favor, undeserved blessing, a free gift.  What a gift you are, my dear. I pray that you would be a gift to The Lord and to this world, radiating joy and love to all you meet.

I can’t wait to have a front row seat to watch the journey of your life unfold. But for now, I am content to hold you, nurse you, watch you smile and wiggle and cry and coo, knowing that the season where you grasp my pinky with your whole little hand is but a breath that will pass like a morning mist – I will close my eyes and open them and soon you will be a running, playing, talking, happy toddler.

But today you are my baby Abigail and I love you with all of my heart.

forever love,

your Mommy

Anxiety or Expectancy?

He may delay because it would not be safe to give us at once what we ask: we are not ready for it. To give ere we could truly receive, would be to destroy the very heart and hope of prayer, to cease to be our Father. The delay itself may work to bring us nearer to our help, to increase the desire, perfect the prayer, and ripen the receptive condition.- George Macdonald

Teach us, O Lord, the disciplines of patience, for to wait is often harder than to work. – Peter Marshall

I am currently 37.5 weeks into my third pregnancy with my third daughter. I feel amazing and sometimes feel like slapping my face in the morning or something because I am so happy. As any pregnant woman, I have had some hiccups in the pregnancy, (nausea in the first trimester and a bad bout of eczema in the second) but overall I can honestly say this has been my smoothest and best pregnancy yet! In the last week or so, I have begun to “nest” which means that the house must be clean (there is nothing so satisfying to a pregnant mom than a very clean and organized house!! ok, well, this pregnant mom, anyways.) I have thought about this little girl inside of me, prayed for her, visualized her birth (which will be fulfilling a long time dream of mine to give birth at home), and talked about how this little girl is going to change our family forever with her beauty, grace, and smile.

Whether or not you have gone through pregnancy yourself, you must know that it is a time full of anticipation. I remember when I was pregnant with Grace, I read every book I could get my hands on and diligently avoided any sort of substance that could possibly harm her while she was in utero. Lunch meat, sushi, and medicine of any kind was off limits. Oh, and my beloved favorite morning latte was exchanged for decaf. Joel and I attended Bradley Method Childbirth classes to educate us and make us aware of how I should prepare my mind and body for the time when labor and birth would come. I loved the class so much that I am now a teacher myself. Like every pregnant woman, I heard horror stories of women who labored for days on end and had excruciating experiences. They scared me to death and I often found myself having to work through fears of what my own labor experience would be like. After a few of these stories, I got smart and started blocking my ears to these negative messages of all the bad things that could happen.

As prepared as I had made myself for birth, nothing could truly prepare me for the day when my water broke over 4 weeks early and my birth plan had to be altered from a home birth to a hospital birth in a matter of an hour. I simply wasn’t ready for her to come, but she came anyways! With Chesed (my second daughter), i found myself wishing that she would arrive early like Grace did – simply because I got so anxious and uncomfortable in my last month. I was so ready for her to arrive that I felt like I was going crazy! But, as with every birth, I couldn’t determine when she would come and she blessed me by arriving one week early. This time around, i find myself much less anxious about it all. I am not anxious for her to come today, nor am I afraid if she does. I am simply expectant for her arrival, whenever God has determined that will be. It frees me to enjoy every day as it comes.

You may not have a child or know what it is like to go though a pregnancy or a birth. But you do know what it is like to wait for something you really, really want. Maybe its the “perfect job” or a husband or wife. Maybe it is for a loved one to arrive home safe from service in the military abroad or to come through a major surgery. Not all waiting is marked with such a high level of anticipation. Waiting is something we all must experience every day. Whether it is waiting in line for your coffee or waiting for traffic to move forward, we must all wait. The question is: What kind of a waiter will you be? An expectant one or an anxious one? The definition of “expectant” is simply “one who is looking forward to something.” The definition of anxious, on the other hand is “Experiencing worry, unease, or nervousness, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.” They are entirely different postures of the mind or heart. One is positive and one is negative and we have the choice every day about whether we will embrace one or the other.

The Bible says that God loves and looks for those who are expectant for Him to move. Psalm 14:2 in the Message version reads, “GOD sticks his head out of heaven. He looks around. He’s looking for someone not stupid— one man, even, God-expectant, just one God-ready woman.” He not only is eagerly watching for those who are waiting expectantly for Him to move, He also directly tells us not to worry (0r be anxious) about anything. However, if you are human, you will worry! God prescribes prayer as the remedy for our anxieties in Philippians 4:6-7 “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” 

What are you worried or anxious about today, child of God? your Father knows all of your needs, all of your desires, all of your cares before you even tell Him about them. But He wants you to tell Him anyways! To cast every care into His loving, fatherly arms and to leave them there. And then, with all the heavy weights and worries gone, to embrace an expectation of what God wants to and will do in your current circumstances. To pray with faith towards that which is unseen by man, but already determined by God.



Why You Should Take a Personal (or Family) Retreat

Forgive me for my leave of absence from this blog the past few weeks. Reasons are in chronological order as follows: One of my daughters got sick, the next daughter got what the first daughter had and we left for a 10 day vacation to North Carolina. On the vacation I had no access to internet nor did I want it (something I will be blogging about today). Then, when we got home, I read this great little eBook by Jeff Goins and immediately responded by starting a new book. So far, by God’s grace, I have been faithfully rising around 6:30 each morning to put in an hour worth of work on the book. In the process, I have completely neglected my little blog here!

So this morning, instead of working on my book, I decided that I must write a blog post. I mean, I know that all of you have been biting your fingernails in anticipation of my next post and all 😉 But I do have many thoughts and ideas swirling in my head at all times (I am not exaggerating, ask my husband – it wears him out sometimes), and this blog is a great venue for me to share some of those and flesh them out on paper.

As I mentioned, our family took a vacation the first week of August to a cabin that my grandparents built more than 50 years ago. It is nestled in the Smoky Mountains of North Carolina in a tiny town called Cashiers which now boasts two (yes two!) touristy coffee shops that I have grown to love. It seems that more folks have discovered this hidden gem of a place in the last decade or so.

Our family goes to this cabin for many reasons – to relax, to unwind, to unplug from technology, to escape from the demands of the city and our lives at home (which never seem to just “stop”), to explore and recreate in nature, to engage in ample  quality time together, and to reflect on our last year and pray about our priorities for the year ahead. At this point, this last part is done exclusively by Joel and me, but we very much intend to make the children a part of this yearly ritual once they are old enough to do so. Every year since we got married, Joel and I take the week of our birthdays and anniversary (yes, they are all within an 8 day span) to spend time thanking the Lord for the specific ways He has worked in and through our lives the previous year and to pray through our commitments, responsibilities, dreams, and vision for the year ahead.

Needless to say, this is a week I look forward to with great anticipation every year. I am someone who really loves my 8 hours of sleep a night, but the morning we leave for the Cabin each year, I seem to pop out of bed around 4:30 or 5am, ready to make our 10 hour cross country drive to my favorite place on the planet.

So you might say that our annual vacation is also a personal and family retreat. We each spend quite a bit of our time reading, reflecting, journaling, and sitting on the front porch watching the finches and hummingbirds, who neither sow nor reap and the flowers that neither toil or spin.  We think and discuss what is important and unimportant for this season and in view of eternity. Before we had kids, we would spend time in prayer before the Lord as to whether this was the year to begin trying to have a child.

I will personally begin this fall season with an almost 4 year old, an almost 2 year old, and an almost newborn 🙂 (Yes, they are all three girls, yes, they are all exactly two years apart, yes, their birthdays are all in October (if the newborn cooperates!)). What this means for me is: I will have much on my plate. In addition, I have made the decision to homeschool Grace this year. Being that she is only going to be four this year, I am only planning to spend 30 minutes or an hour each day with her maximum in teaching. My goal for the year (which I worked out on our trip) is simply one thing – to teach her how to read. If this can be accomplished this year, I will be a happy momma, because I know how the world can open up to a child once they can read for themselves.

There have been other commitments on my plate this past year that I have decided to back away from for at least a year so that I can work through the shift from 2-3 kids and discern as I go where I am needed the most. Being someone who is always active and involved  in church and community, I plan to stay involved but on a scaled-back level. This is a year where I have prepared my heart and my calendar for family to be the recipients of the large majority of my time and energy. And I am at peace with that!

I have found that preparing for the year ahead (before it hits you over the head like a ton of bricks) with some time away for a personal or family retreat really helps in the following ways:

1) It alleviates stress – once you have prayed about and discerned together with your spouse and sometimes children if they are older what your top priorities and commitments will be, you can be at peace about the things you have said ‘no’ to and why you chose to say no. You don’t have to worry that you should be involved in something you aren’t. You know you have chosen to focus on what the Lord has revealed is most vital for you in this season of your life.

2) It cultivates creativity – when you have the ‘vision’ plain before you for the year, you can begin to focus in on what you are called to and explore how you can creatively manage those responsibilities and opportunities.

3) It fills you with hope and momentum for the year ahead – when you have a vision, you are filled with inspiration to fulfill it. That is why in Scripture it says that where there is no vision, the people perish – or as the Message Version of the Bible says “If people can’t see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves; but when they attend to what he reveals, they are most blessed.”(Proverbs 29:18)

4) It keeps you focused and on track – we all have goals in life and only one life to fulfill them. We also have been given the time necessary to do all that God is calling us to do. This is truth!! Even though we may think we never have enough time, perhaps the main reason is because we are pulled in a hundred different directions instead of focusing on and sowing into the area(s) that we are actually called to work and serve.

5) It simplifies and makes practical the pursuit – prayerful planning aligns us with the heart of God for our own life in this season and cuts out complications that come in when we are pouring our energy into areas we shouldn’t. It also helps us when we practically write or think through how we are going to accomplish the goals in front of us.

So – what is stopping you? I would challenge you to take at least one 24-hour period by yourself or with your spouse (and kids, if they are old enough) for a retreat to prayerfully lift up to God this next year or season of your life. Lay everything you are doing and wish to do (or have been asked to do) before Him. Discuss these responsibilities with your spouse as well. Once you have reached some conclusions, talk and pray though how you can make the most of your time to accomplish the goals that are before you. You (and your family) will be glad that you did!!

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