My arms are full. Not of laundry or piles of dirty dishes, but of covenant kindness – my little Chesed Joy.
What Makes A Family Happy?
The happiness of the domestic fireside is the first boon of Heaven; and it is well it is so, since it is that which is the lot of the mass of mankind. ~Thomas Jefferson, 1813
I truly believe that healthy, happy families are the cornerstone to a thriving nation and world. Most would agree and yet perhaps grew up in a difficult or even dysfunctional or abusive family environment. When you haven’t grown up in a healthy family environment, it may be daunting or even seem an impossible dream that your family and children could grow up in a healthy, nurturing environment filled with love, affirmation and support.
I am blessed to have been raised in a home with two loving parents who not only provided me with a strong and beautiful example of what a good marriage looked like (lived out before my eyes every day), but also lovingly disciplined, nurtured and encouraged me and my brother at each season of our journey through childhood and adolescence. Even in a loving home, my parents weren’t perfect and we children weren’t either, as can be expected!!