She was a seed of hope, planted in faith,
She enlarged my heart, opened me up to more of love,
She birthed new life in me.
Her cry birthed my compassion
her smile, my delight.
My baby taught me that to be fed and clothed and loved
was all that was truly needed in this world.
And to be loved…oh, to be loved!
She needed my arms around her
and her soft hand in my own taught me
the beauty of depending on another.
My baby taught me that water and light and stars
and flowers and animals and people
are absolutely fascinating, incredible creations
worth reveling in for hours.
My baby taught me that its therapeutic to color outside the lines
and to hug stuffed animals.
My baby taught me that she doesn’t really need toys to be happy.
She taught me that 4 a.m. wake up calls
can be made sweet
by the softness of her hair against my face,
her lingering scent on my clothes.
My baby taught me that I can be wholly responsible
for another human being
without losing myself in the process.
My baby taught me that it’s okay to cry
but its better to laugh!
Most of all, my baby taught me
that by giving of myself, I will find myself
that with sacrifice comes joy
and that love really is the greatest thing of all.

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